The plot, Mk.2
I really need a holiday, but it's just not feasible with what we've got on at work, so weekends tend to take a pretty laid back pace right now. Today, I woke about 9.30, had some breakfast, watched some dismal Sunday morning TV, then grabbed some lunch.
Shortly afterwards, there was a knock at the door from my plot neighbour, come round to see if I'd got a letter about my new plot. I hadn't, so he told me the secretary was on site and that if I caught up with him, he should have the letter confirming which plot I've got.
I hitched up the trailer and headed out round the village to see if there was any manure for sale by the roadside. One of the two regular sellers in the village had a load yesterday but, annoyingly, it had all gone by today.
So I headed down to the plot, dug a couple of beds, picked some leeks and kale, and just generally pottered around for a few hours. Just as I was thinking about leaving, the allotment society secretary pulled up and delivered my letter.
The association still need to mark the exact boundaries, but I'm now the proud tenant of a 1/4 acre plot.
Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera, so had to use my phone to get a quick pic. My plot is the left hand half of the ploughed area, starting from around the dark tractor track on the left.
I now need to do some serious planning. I'll probably put fruit trees on a 1/3rd or so, but I'm undecided yet as to which part of the plot to use for this. There's a fair dip in the middle of the plot. This will presumably mean it's wetter in that area, but also that the topsoil will probably be pretty thin. I think I might have to dig a couple of test pits before making too many firm plans....
February 20, 2011
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