I think these may be a signs…
Boring day at work today, improved only by the weather, which is fantastically sunny at the moment. Half of me wishes it'd carry on like this forever. The other half wishes it'd chuck it down overnight, as it's getting so dry on the allotment, I daren't turn a spade in anger for fear of losing what little moisture's left in the soil.
As usual for a Friday, I came home via Tescos. A pretty average shop, save for a few minutes spent scouring the shelves in the magazine section for a copy of "Country Smallholder" which, unsurprisingly given the area, turned out to be fruitful.
Got home to find my copy of Field to Farm by David Acreman (that's got to be a pen name!).
Checked my email to find the mail I sent myself from work linking to a plot of land a couple of acres in size up for auction shortly. Unfortunately, it's probably just a shade too far away to be viable, which is a shame, as it's a beautiful location.
I think though, these may all be signs that my life is going to be taking a whole different path over coming years than it has in the past! I think I may be about to become a professional downsizer.
April 23, 2010
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