Quit wining.
Just over a week ago, my blackcurrant wine stopped fermenting, so I bunged a Campden tablet in and left it to settle. Checked this evening and, having racked it off a few days ago, it seems to be sediment free, so I've bottled it this evening.
The Wilkinson's yeast seems to have resulted in it fermenting really well - and quickly too. A quick sample surprised me. Considering what it was made from and how quickly it has fermented, it's actually surprisingly sophisticated. The Waitrose bargain fruit juice must be a good base for it.
Unfortunately, the same can't be said for the blackberry and apple I made with Tesco's concentrate. Half way through fermentation, I noticed that it still smelt really synthetic. On my next visit to Tesco, I checked the bottle and noticed "natural flavourings" on the label. I think they may have been a bit creative with the truth and whatever the flavouring is, it's not broken down during fermentation. It also turned a bit funny looking and stopped fermenting too quickly - so I added some sugar, but just ended up with a demijohn full of stuck sugary, funny smelling brew. I think that one may be destined to become drain cleaner!
The cider (or should that be Ciderglin?) is looking OK though. Still quite cloudy, but with purГ©ed apples and honey added, I think it's probably going to stay that way. Seems to be very little sediment depositing in the demijohn, so I'll probably bottle that one tomorrow. Just hope there's enough life left in the yeast to get some carbonation in the bottle from a little added sugar.
April 20, 2010
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Tags: cider, ribena, wine В· Posted in: Home Brewing
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