Blackcurrant wine – Ribena turbo :)
My enthusiasm for home growing and other stuff of a similar ilk seems to be spreading in the office. One of the lads has veg growing on a small scale at home, so I'm encouraging him to do a bit more. A couple of days ago, I got to talking about home brewing and have managed to spur another of the lads into starting some lager off at home. In turn, he motivated me to get off my backside to start some wine off at home. It's been a fair few years since I last made any, so hopefully I've not lost the ability to produce something drinkable.
Stopped off at Wilkinsons on the way home and picked up a few bits, then a trip to Waitrose for sugar and blackcurrant juice. I've still not got around to putting a hob back in my new kitchen so, without any way to boil the juice before adding to a demijohn, I went looking for a preservative free alternative blackcurrant juice concentrate to use. Fortunately, Waitrose had some expensive Pixley Berries concentrate reduced to clear, so I grabbed a couple of 500ml bottles and some sugar and headed home, stopping off at the allotment on the way to drop off some more pallets.
I dissolved the sugar in warm water, added to the demijohn, added the juice concentrate, then topped up to the shoulder with cold water. Add 1 1/4 tsp of yeast compound, a level teaspoon of citric acid, fit a bung and shake well. Remove the bung, taking care not to spray wine mix everywhere from the residual pressure. Fit an airlock and it's good to go. Should take around 2-3 months to fully ferment, but I may lose patience before then!
Ribena Wine Recipe
- 1 litre Ribena or other blackcurrant concentrate*.
- 1 level teaspoon citric acid.
- 1 1/4 teaspoons of wine making yeast.
- 1 1/2 lbs of sugar.
* Use concentrate with regular sugar, not artificial sweeteners. If using a concentrate containing preservative, boiling the concentrate for 10 minutes should prevent fermentation being adversely effected by the preservative. Some cheap supermarket concentrates reportedly have a higher juice concentration, which may improve the wine.
March 25, 2010
admin В·
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Tags: blackcurrant, ribena, wine В· Posted in: Home Brewing
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