4 days of freedom.
Today was hard work. By 10am, I had that "I'm off soon, so I've switched off already" feeling at work and the day just dragged. The one and only good thing was that being there gave me an opportunity to pick up some more pallets to bring home.
5pm I headed home with 3 more pallets on the roof rack and went straight to the plot to drop them off. It's been a reasonable day and warmish, but a bit overcast. As I pulled up near my plot, it was immediately obvious that one of the neighbours has had a tractor harrow his plot this afternoon. Annoyingly, his soil seems to have far more organic matter in it and far fewer stones.
I'd somehow managed to pick a couple of unfeasibly heavy pallets from the pile, which I had to drag down to the plot in stages. Hopefully this means they'll be fairly durable surrounding the compost heap. I had a pack of nails in the Land Rover, so I hastily stacked 3 pallets together and bashed in a few nails to keep them in place. I think I'll probably dig a couple of trenches in the morning and sink the heavy pallets in one plank to keep them in place.
The plot now seems to be dry as a bone so I don't fancy the chances of the peas I stuck in the other day germinating. To make matters worse, something - not sure if it was man or beast - seems to have disturbed the area where they're planted.
Came home and packed a lunch the same as I'd do for a work day, but with a bit extra to keep the energy levels up tomorrow. Think I'll probably try and get up at the normal work day time and head straight down to the plot for an early start. I've now got my shed and polytunnel home, so it would be nice to get both built up and in place tomorrow. I really need some slabs to sit the corners of the shed on, but the Land Rover's chock full of stuff at the moment, so I need to offload some of it before heading out to pick up some slabs.
Must now go and stick the battery in my camera so I can take some pictures tomorrow. Then an early night before an early start if all goes to plan.
March 17, 2010
admin В·
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Tags: pallets, Polytunnel, Shed В· Posted in: Composting, Construction, Shed
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